Paideia's Mission
Paideia uses a classical method rooted in the Christian worldview. We nurture students’ appreciation of truth, goodness, and beauty as they strive for excellence, while guiding them to live purposefully in the service of God and man.
Paideia's Missional Beliefs
A. God is honored: The rightful end of education is to enable the student to more fully honor and glorify God.
B. God is the foundation of all knowledge: All knowledge will be presented as part of an integrated whole, with God as revealed in His Scriptures at the center. All true knowledge is a reflection of the Creator. The Christian worldview, which is further defined in our Statement of Faith, will be presupposed in all subjects.
C. The Western classical tradition is thoroughly taught: The foundation of Western civilization will be emphasized through the study of history, philosophy, science, the arts, literature, and classical language. The method of instruction will implement the Trivium: Grammar (the fundamental data and interrelated rules of a subject); Logic (the ordered relationship of particulars in a subject); and Rhetoric (the clear expression of the grammar and logic of that subject).
D. Parents are assisted in the education of their children: Parents are responsible for the training and instruction of their children. Paideia endeavors to assist parents in this responsibility.
E. In all its levels, programs, and teaching, Paideia will:
Encourage every student to develop a love for learning and to live up to his or her academic potential;
Provide a clear model of the biblical Christian life through our staff and Board;
Nurture every student’s relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ; and
Provide an orderly atmosphere conducive to attaining the above goals.
Paideia's Principles, Values, and Goals
1) Our transcending values are to love God with our whole being and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
2) We strive to graduate thoughtful, compassionate, and articulate students whose chief end is to glorify God.
3) We hope to provide a social and engaging culture for our student community.
4) We strive to graduate students who have a systematic Christian worldview that can provide context for a fulfilling Christian life.
5) We hope to nurture students in the Christian faith to embody honor, duty, accomplishment, self-discipline, and maturity
6) We seek to serve all diligent and capable students as long as they do not compromise our educational environment.
7) We desire to hire and retain the best possible teachers who can use classical methods to inspire students with a love of learning.
8) We strive to internalize the Classical and Christian distinctiveness in our board, administration, staff, students and parents.
9) We hold our students accountable to a moral code of conduct: Love, honor, duty, accomplishment, joy, self-discipline, and maturity.