A Greek word for an old concept, Paideia has no perfect English equivalent. It encompasses the raising and educating of children in a way that shapes the entirety of the human being - and it is key to the formation of culture.
At Paideia Christian Academy, we educate students to live lives that embrace both faith and reason. Our desire is to partner with parents to develop hard working, thinking, and faithful students. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about all that we have to offer.

Distinctly Classical
The foundation of Western civilization will be emphasized through the study of history, philosophy, science, the arts, literature, and classical language. The method of instruction will implement the Trivium: Grammar (the fundamental data and interrelated rules of a subject); Logic (the ordered relationship of particulars in a subject); and Rhetoric (the clear expression of the grammar and logic of that subject).
Distinctly Family
Parents are responsible for the training and instruction of their children. Paideia endeavors to assist parents in this responsibility. We will not usurp the role and responsibility of the parents or the church, rather we will partner with both to grow each student to become a thinking, believing individual.
Unapologetically Christian
The rightful end of education is to enable the student to more fully honor and glorify God. All knowledge will be presented as part of an integrated whole, with God as revealed in His Scriptures at the center. All true knowledge is a reflection of the Creator. The Christian worldview, which is further defined in our Statement of Faith, will be presupposed in all subjects.
A Parent Perspective

Contact Us
Paideia always has open doors. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions regarding our academics, events, students, staff or anything else.